QWIPI VirtueMart 3
QWIPI Payment Platform for E-SHOPs on VirtueMart
v.3.0, VirtueMart 3.x,
CMS Joomla 3.x.
QWIPI VirtueMart provides a payment interface for making credit card payments for acceptable credit fees. QWIPI is a foreign institution (China) that offers solutions in integrated packages that are tailored to the credit card payment process. To receive payments, you need to set up a QWIPI account. QWIPI supports VISA and MASTERCARD credit cards.
Plugin language versions: SK, CZ, GB
The payment plugin has an interface for automatic update from Joomla administration. In this way, we provide customers who have purchased this product in the future automatically and free of charge to update to the latest versions. This plugin is licensed GNU/GPL
Plugin technical parameters
The plug-in must be installed through the CMS Joomla 3 installation interface and then go into the VirtueMart administration into the payment plug-in environment and create a QWIPI payment method. Then fill in the QWIPI data that you received from QWIPI and then plug the plug-in into production.