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Payment Home Credit for VirtueMart for installment purchase.
Platobný plugin  Home Credit pre VirtueMartPlatobný plugin Home Credit pre VirtueMart
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Home Credit VirtueMart 3

Rating: Not Rated Yet
Payment HomeCredit for VirtueMart for installment purchase.
Manufacturer: holdysoftware
246,00 €
Sales price without tax 200,00 €
Tax amount 46,00 €
DPH 23%
Varianty produktu (Product variants) Ak chcete využiť niektorú z doplnkových služieb, alebo jeho variant, vyberte si prosím.

Podpora a dostupnosť aktualizácií (Support and availability of updates) Kupujete si podporu pre tento produkt s obdobím pre UpDate od dátumu nákupu. Po realizácii platby, náš systém automaticky zašle na Váš e-mail odkaz pre stiahnutie súboru.

Home Credit Platinum integrates the opportunity for your clients to ask for a purchase in your E-SHOP to pay the price of the goods in the form of a loan

v.4.0, VirtueMart 3.x,
CMS Joomla 3.x.

Only if your client in E-SHOP chooses a payment method for payment Home Credit (hence wishing to pay the price of the product via Home Credit) and then fill out the form (loan application) on Home Credit's website (where your E-SHOP will be redirected from the final stage of your order). After ONLINE credit approval by Home Credit, you do not prevent your merchant from shipping the ordered goods.

Plugin just install on Joomla 3, fill in the data received from Home Credit and start using it. Prior to (productive) productive operation, the first test (so-called training) is followed. Plugin can be used for Slovak and Czech Home Credit. In the plugin administration, you choose the branch (CR - SR) with which you have a contract.

This version of the payment plugin supports payment authorization.

Establishment and technical implementation of the Home Credit payment plugin

Home Credit Slovakia a.s., a member of the PPF Group, founded in 1999, is one of the leading providers of consumer finance in the Slovak Republic. It offers a wide range of credit products. The Plug-in System Plug-in to the Virtuemart environment after completing the data received from Home Credit is ready to run productively.

  • hoecredit_kalkulacka
  • home_credit_kosik
  • home_credit_presmerovanie na platobnu_branu
  • homecredit

WhatsApp Chat


Visit: holdysoftware.eu
mail e-mail holdysoftware
Business name: Ing.Ondrej Holdy holdysoftware
ID: 41777140,  VAT: SK1071879072
Address: Martina Benku 13, 953 01 Zlate Moravce, Slovakia

Supervisory authority: Slovak Trade Inspection.
Customer may claim a CLIENT ZONE Complaint form or submit a complaint through of the client's ticketing system.

Support for web pages

Supervisory authority: Slovak Trade Inspection.
Customer may claim a CLIENT ZONE Complaint form or submit a complaint through of the client's ticketing system.

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