Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /data/0/b/0b5e0a2b-fe97-4838-a36a-e48b145e7a7b/holdysoftware.sk/web/plugins/system/trafficvisitor/trafficvisitor.php on line 123

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Complaint system for E-SHOP system on VirtueMart platform
Reklamačný systém pre VirtueMartReklamačný systém pre VirtueMart
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Complaint system for E-SHOP system on VirtueMart platform

Rating: 5/5
Complaint system for E-SHOP system on VirtueMart platform
Manufacturer: holdysoftware
184,50 €
Sales price without tax 150,00 €
Tax amount 34,50 €
DPH 23%
Varianty produktu (Product variants) Ak chcete využiť niektorú z doplnkových služieb, alebo jeho variant, vyberte si prosím.

Podpora a dostupnosť aktualizácií (Support and availability of updates) Kupujete si podporu pre tento produkt s obdobím pre UpDate od dátumu nákupu. Po realizácii platby, náš systém automaticky zašle na Váš e-mail odkaz pre stiahnutie súboru.

Complaint system for E-SHOP system on VirtueMart platform

Complaint system for E-SHOP VirtueMart
v.3.0 VirtueMart 3
CMS Joomla 3

The Component records (archives) all submitted claims from VirtueMart and generates the following forms from the ordering view (from the details of a specific VirtueMart order) to the buyer:

  • Withdrawal from the contract and return of purchased goods(within the meaning of Act No. 102/2014 Coll., Valid in the Slovak Republic, on consumer protection) formally applicable also in other countries
  • Complaint form

The buyer can easily take advantage of it (via the order book in the system) VirtueMart one of the forms. Forms are pre-filled with all important data, which greatly accelerates the processing of claim information (especially for the seller), or the option to withdraw from the purchase contract by returning the purchased goods from the buyer.

Forms are sent to the seller's system mail and a copy to the buyer's address. All data is then automatically stored in the database. An administrator (merchant) has access to the administration for all buyer submissions. The component detailly archives all submissions of the buyer (his or her complaints, or cancellations from the purchase contract, order numbers, names and numbers of goods, invoice number, equipment agenda and other data). The buyer can then print the form and attach it to the shipment of the goods delivered to the vendor. Through the admin interface, it is possible to communicate with the buyer (e-mail), to handle individual complaints and to manage the overall agenda for the matter. The component is linked to realized (existing) Orders in VirtueMart.

The Complaint System for VirtueMart records in detail the records of claims and orders from which the buyer resigned in accordance with Act no. 102/2014 Zz, valid in the Slovak Republic, in which the law imposes an obligation on the business community in Slovakia for E-SHOP systems to publish a pre-filled form for the possibility to withdraw from the purchase contract and to return the goods without giving any reason (within a period stipulated by law).

Plugin language versions: SK, CZ, GB

This component contains an interface for automatic update from Joomla administration. In this way, we provide customers who have purchased this product in the future automatically and free of charge to update to the latest versions. This license is licensed to this component GNU/GPL.

  • admiistracia_reklamacia
  • admin_vratenie_tovaru_detail
  • prehlad-objednavok
  • prehlad-reklamacii
  • reklamacie_administracia
  • reklamacie_administracia_vratenie-tovaru
  • reklamacie_detail
  • reklamacny_formular
  • vratenie-tovaru

WhatsApp Chat


Visit: holdysoftware.eu
mail e-mail holdysoftware
Business name: Ing.Ondrej Holdy holdysoftware
ID: 41777140,  VAT: SK1071879072
Address: Martina Benku 13, 953 01 Zlate Moravce, Slovakia

Supervisory authority: Slovak Trade Inspection.
Customer may claim a CLIENT ZONE Complaint form or submit a complaint through of the client's ticketing system.

Support for web pages

Supervisory authority: Slovak Trade Inspection.
Customer may claim a CLIENT ZONE Complaint form or submit a complaint through of the client's ticketing system.

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