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Website of the news portal type

Rating: 3/5
Creating a news portal site.
Manufacturer: holdysoftware
4800,00 €
Sales price without tax 4000,00 €
Tax amount 800,00 €
DPH 20%
Spôsob úhrady Ak chcete objednať službu (alebo softvér), vyberte si druh úhrady. Je možné celú sumu uhradiť vopred, alebo úhradiť len preddavok a zostatok až po jej realizácii. Platí sa ONLINE. Službu (či softvér) poskytneme až po úhrade jednej z uvedených možností.

Varianty produktu (Product variants) Ak chcete využiť niektorú z doplnkových služieb, alebo jeho variant, vyberte si prosím.

Website of the news portal type

The web can be managed from different levels. Administrator (tracking the portal), news (writing and publishing articles), and the position of registered members - authors who can use different extensions (such as advertising activity, or a blog or a blog). Managing such a site is not challenging, and after understanding the basic principle of administration, you have a powerful media tool in your hands. And where is it possible to use this kind of website? For large news portals, but also for small school Internet magazines, for internet newsletters (clubs, nonprofit organizations ...) for large servers with a commercial move of Internet magazines, boulevards, sports magazines, for a regional cultural journal, or occasional (social organizations ).

Web site creation service for internet shop includes

Functionality of a web site of the news portal

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