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Sport Shooting Registration System

Rating: Not Rated Yet
Organization and registration system designed for organizing shooting events.
Manufacturer: holdysoftware
7680,00 €
Sales price without tax 6400,00 €
Tax amount 1280,00 €
DPH 20%
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v.1.0 CMS Joomla 3

Sport Shooting Organization and Registration System running on CMS Joomla. SORS provides the registration of clubs and competition shooters at the shooting matches (I.P.S.C.).

What is S.O.R.S?

It is a web application that works as an organizational registration system for organizing and evaluating sport shooting competitions. The application offers the possibility of registering clubs, registering shooters and their personal data that are necessary for the organization of the match (basic club information about the shooter, evidence of weapons and other necessary data). The system creates a large database of everything that is related to the activities in the shooting club during the organization of the race (including the race calendar in the given year). The information system is based on clear user rights, which means that no sensitive information is publicly available (for example, information about weapons, personal information about shooters, etc.) and serves only responsible managers for the organization of a specific match. The system can be used at the club level but also at the level of associations or international associations that can pool regional clubs from around the world. SORS offers simple single-click registration, allows you to sign up for a crossing through a specific SQUAD and to vote or to migrate between cooperatives as needed until the race is suspended by the organizer of the match (through so-called DEADLINE). The SORS in itself allows you to manage three independent levels.

  1. The first level is the status of the shooter
  2. The second level is the status of manager
  3. The third level is the highest level and has complete control over the entire system SORS

Who can use S.O.R.S?

Primary use:
Shooting sport club (IPSC rules)
Shooting sport Association (IPSC rules)

Secondary use:
  1. Sports shooting club (country level)
  2. Police Sports Club
  3. Archery sport club
  4. Paintball sport club
  5. Sport - Shooting Sport Association

DEMO page S.O.R.S?

Visit the demo page here !

Gallery SORS web application

  • backend_list_shooters
  • calendar_match_sors
  • dashboards
  • detail2_match_sors
  • detail3_match_sors
  • detail_match_sors
  • division_backend
  • list_division_sors
  • list_shooting_clubs_sors
  • payment
  • payment_gate
  • register_form_for_shooter_sors
  • shooter_detail
  • shooters_list_sors
  • shootingt_clubs_backend
  • squad_detail_main_match_sors
  • squads_list
  • stage_detail
  • stat_list_sumary_sors
  • weaponry_shooters_backend

Levels use SORS

The first level : Shooter

  • All information registered as shooter in one place
  • Edit the information in your account
  • Registration to the club
  • Sign in Match one click
  • ONLINE payments (Entry fee)
  • Unsubscribe Match with one click
  • Registration of weapons for the needs of the Match

The second level : Manager

  • Edit the information in your account
  • Registration own club in the system SORS
  • The Match registration (manage)
  • Create Squads to Match (manage)
  • Create Stage to Match (manage)
  • Results List of Match
  • Results shooter
  • Management of payments (Entry fee)
  • All information registered shooters to Match in one place (download, print)

The third level : Admin

  • Full access to the system SORS
  • Set permission managers SORS

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